
1 Electronic Design Description Automation

The EDDA documentation system is a collection of scripts created to simplify the process of running ocean simulations and create design documentation.

The system consists of two parts:

  1. Skill scripts to be used in the Cadence OCEAN environment to launch simulations and log simulation results.

  2. The PlainDoc script pddd (based on the pd2tex tool written by Sampo Kellomäki) to capture the simulation results into graphs and tables and create human readable design documentation (HTML and PDF documents).

    PlainDoc is a tool to convert text files having a to nicely formatted HTML and PDF documents. PlainDoc is powerfull enough to allows the user to create cross references, insert figures, tables and equations.

An example EDDA design description may look like this.

There are several advantages using the documentation system:

This tutorial is written using PlainDoc by Fredrik Jonsson. You can view the source of this document here.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at


Also, it would be interresting to know if you sucessfully used EDDA in a project

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